Beautiful Maya

We all know her works Phenomenal Woman or Still I Rise. But, until you've watched the sparkle in her eyes and the glow of her smile as she speaks these works, you just don't truly get it the magic of them.  (Or, at least, I didn't!).

Maya was with me today as I worked through my day... making me smile and filling my heart. Ladies, tomorrow, when you sit at your desk working yet another day... let her do the same for you!

A Child's Future is Worth Every Sacrifice.

Perhaps this appealed to me today because my eldest daughter recently moved out to start her new life. Or it is perhaps because I am simply a sap. 

But, how can you not watch the following video and feel that (1) Met Life Hong Kong is fantastic for doing this sort of advertising and (2) that everything you ever gave up or every tired day was worth it the second you saw your child's smile.

To Sean, Gabby and Caroline.  You have been worth every sacrifice and I pray every day that you know the joy of those struggles for the ones you love.

Not Sorry!

When it comes to saying 'I'm Sorry', I am a steadfast believer that you should never let your pride stop you from maintaining and healing an important relationship.  Looking someone in the face, seeing their pain, acknowledging the problem and saying 'I'm Sorry' can not only heal a problem, but strengthen a future together with those that are important to you.

I am totally in love with the new Pantene ad campaign to stop saying 'I'm Sorry'!

As women, we say 'Sorry' all the time.  Our fault, your fault, the moon's fault, it doesn't matter.  We say it.  Yet, watching this add, I see all the wonderful opportunities to communicate with each other that are missed by a rushed 'Sorry'.

So, ladies... don't apologize anymore!  ;) 
But, first, watch this video so you understand why!

Be Strong and Shine

An interesting article by Time magazine on the campaign.

24 Hours of Happy
Enough said!

Here is a sneak peak of the 10:00 am hour.  My favorite?  Go to 16:00. 
I don't know what it is about this song.  I love to leave it on play I the background all day and simply check in from time to time to see who's dancing.  Some fun surprise celebrities and characters in there!

Oh, wait... I love this, too!  Best one is right away!

I am Second.

I am Second is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders.  Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor.

People like me.  People like you.

The authentic stories on provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled.

When I am feeling overwhelmed with my life, I often listen to these films in the background.  Hearing the stories of struggle, challenges, change and inspiration.  I am reminded that God is not in my church, but in those moments when hope is all you have.  God is in the inspiration in my heart to do things for another, to set aside my own problems and serve the needs of others.  In that action, I realize...

I am never alone. 
I am second.

There are many inspiring films on this website.  I cannot pick a favorite as each speaks to a different need or emotion I may be having at the time.  Instead, I have picked this one to show you as like Kay Robertson, my family is my everything.

In good, in bad and everything in between.

Be - YOU - tiful

I love words. 

The way they make you think.
Give pause for reflection.
Inspire you to change.
Give strength, hope and motivation.

So many words, so many ways to bring about personal change.

One at a Time

Everyone has a time in their life when the world and its problems seem overwhelming.  So many things pulling you in so many different directions that you lose sight of one's self and your power to manage it all.

My daughter went through such a time.  One of the best things we discovered in helping her cope with great difficulties was the beautiful rainbow jars.

Take small pieces of paper and write down all the problems and worries you have.  Put them in a jar and close the lid.  Then, simply take one out at a time and only think about and deal with that one issue at a time.  The rest do not matter in that moment.  It allows you to focus, prioritize and manage it all.

Next, gather a collection of colorful jars.  In them, gather pieces with all your favorite quotes, bible verses, messages from friends and the like.  When you need a bit of inspiration, a kind word or a bit of hope, they are there.

When you compare the two, no matter how big problems may seem, they pale in the beautiful light of love, hope and friendship.

A Mother's Wish

As Mother's Day returns again, I am mindful of the following which I wrote for my children some time ago. 

I have been blessed to have many children call me Mama over the years - three I bore through nature, while many, many more I welcomed into my heart by choice.  It has been my greatest reward to know the joy, pain, hope and dream of being a parent and I delight in wondering each day where the road will lead for my family and my children.