Not Sorry!

When it comes to saying 'I'm Sorry', I am a steadfast believer that you should never let your pride stop you from maintaining and healing an important relationship.  Looking someone in the face, seeing their pain, acknowledging the problem and saying 'I'm Sorry' can not only heal a problem, but strengthen a future together with those that are important to you.

I am totally in love with the new Pantene ad campaign to stop saying 'I'm Sorry'!

As women, we say 'Sorry' all the time.  Our fault, your fault, the moon's fault, it doesn't matter.  We say it.  Yet, watching this add, I see all the wonderful opportunities to communicate with each other that are missed by a rushed 'Sorry'.

So, ladies... don't apologize anymore!  ;) 
But, first, watch this video so you understand why!

Be Strong and Shine

An interesting article by Time magazine on the campaign.