Making Their Voices Heard (and I get to capture it!)

Today, I learned that I am to be an official photographer for the Women's March on Washington - Minnesota.  I am excited to support this event - not only as a photojournalist to document the day, but also as a woman who feels the time has come when we must again join and speak up. 

Why do we march?  The fight for dignity and justice resides in all communities - especially in light of the rhetoric of the past election cycle which has insulted, demonized and threatened many of us. The Women's March is committed to ensuring that the voices of women from all backgrounds and identities are heard. In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore.  Through active recruitment and engagement of diverse groups and individuals, we seek to forge new alliances that will enable us to work together for equal justice in the months and years ahead.

To learn more about the Women's March on Washington - Minnesota, visit their website here or go to their facebook event page here.

As of January, 9th 2017, confirmed confirmed speakers include: 
• MN Senator Patricia Torres Ray
• MN Senator Sandy Pappus
• MN Representative Ilhan Ohmar
• Sarah Stoesz (CEO & President of Planned Parenthood Minnesota)
• Ann Bancroft (author, teacher, and adventurer. She was the first woman to successfully finish a number of arduous expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic)
• MN House Minority Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman
• Trista Matascastillo (Three Branch Military Veteran, Founder of Women's Veterans Initiative & Sexual Assault Survivor)

Entertainment includes:
• Ann Reed
• Prairie Fire Lady Choir
• K Raydio

To see our official images, go to

The Womens March of Minnesota Official photographers included Christie Rachelle, Juliann Itter & Angela Whited.

To learn more about this and future events, go to